
Tuesday 31 January 2012



Vastu is derived from ‘Vasanivase’ which means the place suitable for living. Vastu is a science of architecture. It dates back to Vedas, which are the most ancient books of knowledge. While Astrology is said to be Vedanga (the limb of Veda), Vastu is said to be a Upaveda(minor Veda).
There are four types of Vastu: 1) Bhoomi - deals with selection of a site/land 2) Prasada - deals with Palaces and buildings 3) Yana - Vehicles, carts and ships 4) Sayana - furniture, tools and utensils.

Koutilya’s ‘Artha Sastra’ defines Vastu as a basis for constructing Villages, Landscapes, Gardens, Bridges, Ponds and Lakes. Varahamihira in his great work ‘Brihat Samhita’ deals with a lot of Vastu knowledge like weather forecasting, earthquake forecasting, rainfall, architecture, exploration of water springs etc.

‘Manasara’ another great book on Vastu, discusses the principles of architectural and sculptural construction. ‘Mayamatam’ of Maya who is said to build the great Maya Sabha of Pandavas (of Mahabharatha times) is a rich work with 36 chapters starting from the fundamental question of selecting a site/land for construction, building houses/temples, different ways of construction etc. Even ‘Viswakarmaprakasika’ also deals the same subject from a different light and in a candid way. ‘Samarangana Sutradhara’ authored by King Bhoja (1018 - 1060 AD) contains vast subject on house construction, town planning and temple architecture.

Four main directions are identified in all the works: East, South, West and North. Another four corners formed at the intersection points of these four directions, are called: SE, SW, NW, NE. The earth is the place of dwelling for every one. It is a big magnet. Its magnetic North pole is located in universal South direction, and magnetic South pole is located in universal North direction. This means the magnetic lines of earth travel from South to North. If any body sleeps by placing his head towards North, there would be magnetic lines passing through his head in the same direction, and more blood is pumped into the head, thus creating head- related problems. This means the Earth’s magnetism also influences our lives.

It is good if a building is aligned strictly in the four main directions, because its walls will be either perpendicular or parallel to the magnetic lines of earth. If we build a house putting an entrance in any of the four main directions, there will be prosperity for the resident. But if the house is oriented into the corner directions, then the walls cross the magnetic lines in a zigzag way, leading to mental disturbances and lack of peace and success.

Plenty of light , air and water is also needed for living beings to thrive. Thus when a house is constructed, we should see that the house gets proper Sun light and the wind. There should be availability of water in the ground in the vicinity of the house. The Sun light has got different energies which are identified as around 45 different deities. Each type of energy is suitable for a particular task. Accordingly, the place where the energy falls is allotted for living room, kitchen, dining room, bed room, etc. This provides a basic frame work for dividing the land for specific use. The land/plot is divided into 9 X 9 = 81 squares which is called ‘Ekaseetipada Vastu’. These 81 squares will represent where to erect the pillars for construction, where to place the main entrance, where to place the kitchen and other rooms, where to place what type of furniture, etc.

The Sun light along with other Planetary lights is represented as ‘Vastu Purusha’, the deity of all plots. The position of Vastu Purusha changes every day and also depends on the seasons. Offerings should be made to Vastu Purusha and he will take care of the inmates of the house.

Vastu deals with how to select a plot, and making the plot ready for construction. It is ideal to have a plot in Square or Rectangular form and aligned properly in the four main directions. Then a compound wall must be constructed first. The plot must be divided into 81 squares of equal size, and a plan should be drawn. Then construction work should start after offerings are made to Vastu Purusha and other deities and planets. Vastu also gives advice on how to match the name of a person to the place where he wants to live, and how to find the direction for main entrance into his house. A general placement of rooms in a house is given in the diagram.

The following table helps you to judge the favorable direction for facing of the main door of your house. Remember, the 3nd column in the table represents the direction which you should see when coming out of the main door of your house.

Starting sound of Your Name Example Names Direction of main door
A, I, O, U Ankit, Indra, Omkar, Uttam West or North
Ka, Gh Kapil, Keertana, Ghanesh North
Ch, Ja Charan, Jagannadh West or North
Ta, Da Telina, Detroit West
Tha, Dha, Na Tharun, Dhinesh, Nagarjun North or East
Pa, Pha, Ba, Bha, Ma Phanidra, Bhanu, Manisha North
Ya, Ra, La, Va Yusuf, Rahul, Lavanya, Venkat East or South
Sa, Sha, Ha Sankar, Srinvas, Haarika East

A person should find peace at home after working for hours together in the office. Otherwise, there is no use in having a residence. Here Vastu plays an important role. When a house is constructed according to the principles advocated in Vastu, the dweller will have peace and prosperity in his life.


It is amazing to know that the Vastu principles discussed in our ancient books are built upon solid foundations of science to provide all round prosperity for the dweller. In this article, I will cover the scientific basis behind the core Vastu principles.

The entire life in our Universe is based on the five elements namely Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Sky. These five elements are found everywhere and anywhere. Even our body is composed of these five elements only. When any of these elements happen to be in excess or less in our body, it will result into physical or psychological problems. For example, if Fire element is more, we will get physical problems like high BP, insomnia, ulcers and psychological problems like anger and tensions. When Water element dominates, it leads to laziness, hallucinations, fickle mindedness, obesity and indigestion. Vastu is a science of architecture which is aimed at balancing these five elements.

Understanding the elements:

In our solar system, Sun provides life by giving enough light and heat which makes the life possible on Earth. This is the reason our Vedas and Upanishads praised Sun as supreme soul (God). Sun rays travel in the Sky and reach our Earth. Thus the Sky element is the carrier of life energy. Sky element should be enough to carry abundant life force into our house.

Before constructing the house or building, we should take the measurements of the plot or land. The Sky element is 9% of the length and 9% of the breadth around the plot. For a plot with 60 ft length and 50 ft breadth, we should leave around 5.4ft along length and 4.5ft along the breadth as Sky element. The Sky element surrounds the entire house something like a box as shown in the Figure 1. Remember, the actual construction should be done after deducting space for Sky element. So the actual construction length will be 60-5.4 = 54.6 ft and breadth will be 50-4.5 = 45.5 ft.

We should leave the space for Sky element around the house or building. The Sky element can be kept more by leaving more space around the house or building. In that case, we should leave more space towards East and North directions. It means the house or building should be constructed towards the S-W direction in the plot.

After deducting space for Sky element, only the remaining area (54.6 X 45.5) should be used for actual construction. This area should be divided into 4 equal parts of each 25% as shown in Figure 2. Part1 starting from middle of North till middle of East is represented by Water element. Part2 from middle of East to middle of South represents Fire element. Part3 from middle of South till middle of West represents Earth element. Part4 from middle of West to middle of North represents Air element.

After finding the elements in the plot, the next step is to find the Brahma sthana. Brahma sthana represents the place where lord ‘Brahma’ the creator resides. It is a mixture of all the 5 elements (Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Sky) since Brahma is the creator for all the 5 elements. Brahma sthana is a rectangular area with 1/3rd of the length and 1/3rd of the breadth in the center. Take the length and breadth of the actual construction area and divide each with 3. In our example, 54.6/3 = 18.2 ft and 45.5/3 = 15.2 ft. So the Brahma sthana in our building will be in the exact center in a rectangular form with 18.2 ft length and 15.2 ft breadth as shown in the Figure 2.

Balancing the five elements:

It is essential to balance these five elements. The Sky element should be 9% of the length and 9% of the breadth. Even if the Sky element is more, there is no problem. But it should not be less than 9%. Water, Fire, Earth and Air elements should occupy exactly 25% of the construction area. Brahma sthana should be a rectangular area with 1/3rd of the length and 1/3rd of the breadth in the center. This is how these elements should be kept balanced. If any of these elements are deficit or excess then there will be problems to the residents of that house, as shown in the following table:

Element Result if not balanced
Water Losing God’s grace, loss of male children, generation will not continue, draining of all wealth.
Fire Quarrels between wife and husband, court litigation, problems to females, getting into debts.
Earth Severe and chronic illhealth, accidents, death of owner, problem to eldest child, loss of money due to bad habits and enemies.
Air Loss in business, mind related problems, loss of immovable property and cattle.
Sky The subtle energy flow cannot reach, so there will be loss of God’s grace, unexpected situations, mental problems, possession of spirits or devils.
Brahma sthana Problems related to stomach, genitals and lower parts of body. Women will face abortions and children will not survive.

1. An element is said to be imbalanced, if the area of the element is extended or reduced. See Figure 3, where South-East corner is extended and hence there is excess of Fire element in that plot. In Figure 4, the South-West corner is cut off and hence there is deficit of Earth element. This is the reason behind the Vastu principle that construction should not be done in plots with irregular shapes like triangle or hexagonal.

Case: Year 2000. A house in Hyderabad, India where S-E block is constructed protruding out. Hence S-E is dominating. The owner of this house, a Government official has lost his job immediately after the construction of the house. He stays in the house and quarrels with his wife. His wife is soft and noble. Later, I came to know that he applied for divorce from his wife.

2. Since our soul has taken physical form and we live on this material earth, the Earth element can be a little bit raised when compared to other elements. Next to Earth, we can have Fire element a little bit raised and then Air and lastly Water. Since Water naturally flows downwards, Water element can be a bit lowered in the house. It means, when construction is done, the flooring should start at a height of 5 or 6 inches in the N-W and should slowly slope down towards N-E. This applies to flooring as well as to rooms constructed on the terrace. If a room is built on the terrace in the N-W corner, there will not be any problem as the Earth element is raised. But if the room is built in N-E or East side, and the remaining directions are free, then it leads to problems.

In Figure 5, the house has Water and Air elements dominating when compared to the other two elements which results in Vastu problem.

3. When there is no sufficient place around a house or building, it leads to imbalance of Sky element. See Figure 6, where the house is in between two gigantic buildings. The Sky elements of the two buildings overlap the Sky element of the house and hence the people live in that house will face problems.

4. Mixing the opposite elements will lead to chaotic environment. For example, in the Figure 7, kitchen is constructed in the Water element. As kitchen represents Fire, it is being mixed with Water element will cause problems to the residents.

Case: Year 2009. A house at Palakol, India. The toilets are constructed in the N-E part of the house. When I visited this house, I predicted that the generation will not continue. The owner of the house has two children. The owner died due to illhealth. Later, their daughter died by committing suicide. Recently their son has developed problem in the kidneys and both of his kidneys stopped functioning. N-E is considered as sacred direction because the pranik energy comes from N-E. So, a toilet should never be constructed in N-E or East or North. It should be in South, S-W or West.

Update: The mother has given one of her kidneys to her son. Even if the operation is successful, later complications arised and the boy died at KIMS hospital at Hyderabad, India in June 2010.

5. Brahma sthana which lies in the center of the house should be left free. This means, a pillar or wall should never be laid in the brahma sthana.

Uniform flow of pranik lines:

The pranik (life) energy which comes from Sun and other planets comprises of various types of energies like magnetic energy, light, thermal energy, gravitational energy and various types of radiations. These energies reach the people live on this earth and influence the parts of their body. For example, scientists found millions of Ferrous Oxide crystals in human brain which are highly influenced by the magnetic and electrical fields. Such magnetic material is also available in the other parts of human body.

The pranik energy enters the house mainly from East, as Sun is the principal source for it. When the house is constructed in alignment to the four main directions, East, West, North and South, the pranik energy distribution in the house will be uniform. See Figure 8. This will ensure good health to the residents. On the other hand, if the house is constructed in deviation from the main directions, then the pranik energy flow will be uneven and zig- zag. See Figure 9. This leads to health problems both physical and mental. This is the reason why Vastu does not prefer houses facing the corner directions like N-E, S-E, S-W or N-W.

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